Friday, August 27, 2010

goodbye summer

It's August 27th. My first day back at school was today, meaning summer's over. But to me, summer ended when Big Brother 11 ended on Tuesday. Yeah, so Ultimate Big Brother's on and I'm loving that but it's just not the same! I've been dying without seeing Sammy Pepper, John James, Dave and co on my screens every night. I even miss Corin and the Mole! But not Caoimhe, Rachael and Nathan, they should dissapear. What I would give to see John and Josie cuddling in bed, Sam causing some mischief or Andrew banging into a door for another three months! I've loved most housemates this year but it's fair to say three stood out for me.

Sam Pepper. Love him or hate him, he's an amazing housemate. I hated him when he first came in. As a dedicated Josie fan, I was pissed off at his constant digs at my girl. But once he apologized and they started getting along, as much as I tried to keep hating him, I couldn't resit his charm. He is so funny and sweet, he seems like such a nice guy, someone I'd love to be friends with. Or go out with, cause he isn't the worst looking ;) I can't believe he was only there for three weeks, he deserved to be in there from the start! I guarentee he'll be on our screens for a long long time.

John James Parton, it's fair to say, I am obsessed with. Not in a creepy stalkery 'attach-his-face-to-my-pillow' way. In a 'holy-moses-you-are-an-amazing-human-being' way. He wasn't one to beat around the bush, he got straight to the point. He didn't care, or should I say 'didn't give a rip', about how people perceved him on the outside, he wasn't afraid to be brash and voice his opinion. He fell in love with a woman who brought out the caring, lovely side of him that a lot of people fell for, including a certain winner and a certain person writing this post. He's a bit of a looker too, feast your eyes ladies.

*le sigh*

Josie Diane Shirley Gibson is one hell of a woman. I don't even know what to write! She's so hilarious, she comes out with the most brilliant stuff I've ever heard; some of which I'll probably be using for the rest of my life. She was my winner the whole series long and definitely my favourite housemate of all time. All I can really say is that she's a godess and I adore her.

11 Things I Learned From Big Brother 11

1. Live feed makes everything better. Highlight show editing is shoddy.
2. There was a woman who got her face ripped off by a chimpanzee and if you think about her, it makes you feel happier.
3. Brizzle is the shizzle. Forever and always.
4. Watermelons can be used as a sex substitute.
5. Once a mole, always a mole.
6. It's possible to fall in love with a hunky Australian.
7. There's a lot of glory in the glory.
8. You know someone loves you when they change into their football kit once a new guy turns up.
9. Marcus Bently likes jaffa cakes.
10. Your opinion of a person can change in a split second.
11. Someone actually wrote a song about a combine harvester.

I've begun to ask myself, now that Big Brother's over, what will we do without our housemates? Thankfully for us, now that Josie's walked from the UBB (and re-united with John), we'll be seeing interviews with her. Most of the housemates have twitter, which I'll leave at the bottom (Josie's is currently being sorted out as I type by her management). Then what? I'm hoping for a reality tv show of some sort with our beloved Triple J. And as for Sammy Pepper, he'll be around, trust me.

So thank you BB11, to twitter, to John, Josie, Sammy, Dave, Andrew and co. for an amazing summer. It was buzzin and I sure was lovin' it.

Flo x

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